Posted by Rica Lynn on Oct 6th 2023

Fire Agate- Stars & Stones Sept 5th- 11th, 2016 September 4, 2016

How was your ride this last week with the Auralite 23? Working with the shadow side, trying to balance the Root chakra insecurities, working beyond our preconceived limitations, and listening for opportunities was emotional for me. I have a better understanding of some of the things that formed my reality and a new path for forming a reality more in alignment with my soul’s path. Thank you Auralite 23 for all your work this week!!!!

We are blessed to have Fire Agate stepping forward to support us this week. Divine Harmony has done it again this week with an exceptional forecast. Remember if you enjoy it and are helped by it to follow that PayPal button for them.

Fire Agate is a variety of chalcedony containing inclusions of goethite or limonite, producing an iridescent effect or “fire.” Chalcedony is a variety of quartz. These stones are found in the deserts of the Southwestern United States and Northern to Central Mexico. Wiki says “The vibrant iridescent rainbow colors found within fire agates, created by the Schiller effect as found in mother-of-pearl, is caused by the alternating silica and iron oxide layers which diffract and allow light to pass and form an interference of colors within the micro-structure layering of the stone causing the fire effect for which it is named.”

This is a stone of the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras. It is fire. This stimulating stone brings the holder spiritual strength, renewal from energy burnout, transformation of negative energies, while helping to fix those lower chakras when “broken”. Awakening the three lower chakras and bringing them into function within your life. The Fire Agate is putting your feet on your Divine Path.

Monday- Diving deep and nourishing our self emotionally and spiritually- Fire Agate is stepping into this space by really opening those lower chakras and helping us be aware of our needs so that they can be fulfilled.

Tuesday- Bringing greater abundance and self mastery, consciousness of transformation and empowerment- If we do not have clear lower chakras, we are unable to move the energy up through them to manifest abundance. Fire Agate is stimulating all three to help you get them creating. This gives us the ability to transform and begin the journey to self empowerment. Believe it or not, self empowerment must come from SELF. The Root Chakra must be stable, the Sacral Chakra must have the ability to feel, to then move the energy of personal power into this important Solar Plexus Chakra. Welcome to the energies of Fire Agate!

Wednesday- show up to do our work, take off the rose colored glasses and be clear about the reality of love and money in our life and how the decisions we are making effect it as compared to how we could make decision using those items for the better good in relation to our and those around us best interests. Fire Agate is stepping us up to remove those rose colored glasses as we have worked on our lower chakras over the last few days letting go of nonworking parts. Now we can look at our Root Chakra and make our money understandable and know it better. We can also bring the energies up through those lower functioning chakras to Heart Chakra love and balance it with Sacral Chakra relationships.

Thursday- be with others without losing our self or our integrity, intuition is running high, we must be firm in our self empowerment in relationships- We have looked at bits of this already this week. Fire Agate is working on those lower chakras to empower us. We are finding out about personal power, influence, self control, energy, strength, and action as our Solar Plexus Chakra opens with the Fire Agate.

Friday- relationships, connections, and opportunities are being expanded; watch for revolutionary, unexpected communications; and how our Root Chakra wounding rises showing us how to honor ourselves -but also the needs of those around us- positively. Sounding a bit repetitive here. Fire Agate and those first three chakras….. With those lower chakras running well, the wounding of the Root Chakra can be looked at and healed in a healthy way. Through having our Sacral Chakra open, we are able to relate to others. With the Solar Plexus Chakra well, we can do it without being at our expense. As we enter this healthy space in our lower chakras, we find that the expansion for relationships, connections, and opportunities is in synchronicity.

Saturday- BE HERE NOW, are the relationships you are in tethering you to the past or helping you to grow into the future? Watch for depression, victimization, limits and addictions- Hold onto that Fire Agate to stay strong with your lower chakras. Find your balance between material of the Root Chakra and Spiritual of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Sunday- Lightness with ruthless honesty in our soulful depths, karmic relationship completions, pay attention to the emotions of this weekend- Overcome your insecurities with Fire Agate allowing you to recognize and let go of the completed relationships. Be strong in your Solar Plexus Chakra to hear the ruthless honesty and let it be constructive, not hurtful.

The Universe is sending you the Tarot Card- King of Wands as a completion to this week. First sentence from Biddy Tarot “The King of Wands represents pure fire energy.” I cannot think of a better representation for Fire Agate in Tarot. I love how the Universe works. Enjoy your week!!!!