Posted by Rica Lynn on Oct 6th 2023
Malachite- Stars & Stones- Sept 26th-Oct 2nd, 2016 September 25, 2016
Apache Tears and last week went sailing by. Hope you all weathered the changes well.
This week is Malachite. A stone that has been known for millennia. It has been mined in the Egyptian Sinai for over 6,000 years. It has been traded in Israel for 3,000 years. A copper based stone Cu2(CO3)(OH)2, it is toxic in raw form and always suggested that you wash your hands after handling. It was named from the Greek word for “mallow” which is a type of plant. Seems that the name was referenced by a work from Pliny in 79 CE. It was originally used to make amulets of protection against enchantments and the evil eye. It was also thought to help lactating mothers and protect children. Throughout history, Malachite has been used to heal the eyes. This is an ancient remedy with an ancient stone that is asking to come back into our lives this week.
The Universe and its quirky ways, the meditation this morning for the stone lead me a huge dark man with an undertone coloring of green. He sat in front of me very crossed armed and just plain crossed. When he finally deigned to speak it was to tell me that I need to be listening better and that the protection of Malachite is paramount to the next week. Mixing the healing of the green with the protection of the black was shown to me again and again. This week it will be great to meditate, journey, and scry with Malachite. The immense healing of the green swirling with the magnificent protection from the black is making this an invaluable stone for our current energies.
Spending some time with Divine Harmony’s writings, I see that that we are looking at much deep work this week. Malachite is a stone of “intense inner transformation” according to Judy Hall in the book 101 Power Crystals. We are also needing to really take a look at ourselves and take responsibility.
Monday asks us for ruthless self-honesty and Malachite is standing there helping us find it, along with making the choices for our own evolution. This is taking responsibility for ourselves. Just what Malachite excels at.
Tuesday is about moving into a hardworking area, getting to the heart of things and making them work without becoming a workaholic and remembering self-care/fun. Again Malachite is exceptional at making this happen for us.
Wednesday brings the evolution in relationships. Malachite opens our heart and healing to allow the new aspects of the relationships to shine through.
Thursday finds the balance between emotion and intellect. Use the Malachite to work through your blocks to marry that emotion with your intellect.
Friday is the new moon! Set our intentions in relationships, self-care, and actions towards stability in our lives. As I already mentioned to you, this is what Malachite is for.
Saturday aligns the lower and higher hearts. We are also looking at a period where old woundings need to be worked on. Malachite works on those old woundings from past lives and childhood events. It just slides right into the healings of Saturday.
Sunday is for wholeness healing, digging deeper and getting real, to not over focus on others, confront your shadows, and actually FEEL of emotions. Do you have that Malachite in your pocket or around your neck today? I think that this day is sounding like a day of DEEP work. Hold onto the Malachite and I would suggest a great meditation with it at the beginning of the day to start off on the right foot.
According to Divine Harmony we need to be responsible and committed to the highest path for our evolution this week. Malachite is going to help us find it in the best way possible through its protection and awesome ability to allow us to transform our inner healings into that best possible path.