Posted by Rica Lynn on Oct 6th 2023

November Sunstone

Hello! Did you get a chance to catch that Full Moon Sunday night/Monday morning? I really hope you did.

Last week with the love of Rose Quartz surrounding me it really boosted the integration of families here in my life. I hope it helped you just as much. Please remember to thank the stone that you were working with and give them a nice cleaning.

Moving forward with Sunstone this week…..

Let’s find out a bit about Sunstone as a mineral. It has a chemical makeup of (Ca,Na)((Al,Si)2Si2O8). It is in the feldspar group. The feldspar group also contains labradorite, amazonite, and bytownite. Sunstone has the same schiller effect that is present in labradorite but has the additional glitter from small pieces of hematite ( with some additional research- other sources state that copper is the inclusion causing that glitter?). Oregon has adopted Sunstone as its state mineral.

What are awesome uses for Sunstone? In my mind, the first is really bringing that sunshine idea into your life. I placed it in my planting boxes this last summer to help my plants as the only area of my yard that I could grow in was very shaded. It helped tremendously.

According to Judy Hall in 101 Power Crystals, ” The Power of Destiny,” is the best title given to this stone. Working with all three of the lower chakras, Sunstone is invigorating. Think about how a pleasant late spring, early summer day makes you feel. Is it full of life, ready to get out and be active? This is sunstone. Believe it or not, it is associated with the element Fire. Never would have guessed it right!?!

Divine Harmony has come forward with another week of wonderful information:

Monday- path of healing and positive change, helping us let go. Looking at Sunstone with healing and change, it will of course fill that role. It is there to work though those lower chakras and set us on the firm physical path so we can work on our soul’s higher goals.

Tuesday- speaking up and taking action. Our second and third chakra need to be functioning fully to do these things. Sunstone is confidence. If we are not confident in ourselves then we cannot speak up, we cannot take action. We must believe in ourselves. Use that Sunstone to find a your inner rock.

Wednesday- creativity, freedom, and change again. Lol, again Sunstone is about helping to get those lower chakras into order. With that done, creativity has been stimulated, freedom in the “I will” of your third chakra, and change is supported.

Thursday- listen to intuition, new path/old path choice. The stone “The Power of Destiny”, this perfectly meets the thoughts of listening to your inner voice and being willing to let go of your old self to grow into the brighter new you.

Friday- watch communication, destiny. While I would love to tell you that Sunstone is going to help you watch what you say, it will not. But, “The Power of Destiny” stone is going to help you with your destiny clearly!! Really pay attention to the Universe today and put your feet on your yellow brick road.

Saturday- good meditation day, do not avoid your issues, align with your higher path. As always, as we move through the week, we get a little redundant. Sunstone is great for the aligning with your higher path. This is supporting you not avoiding those things that will keep you from your path. Spend a few minutes today in meditation with your Sunstone to fully manifest your new path.

Sunday- stick to the path. Do not let yourself be swayed by the outside mundane world. Use your Sunstone and stay true to your destiny. Stay strong. Stay solid. Listen to your higher self!

Have a great week!