Posted by Rica Lynn on Oct 6th 2023

Rose Quartz – Stars & Stones – Nov 7th – 13th, 2016 November 6, 2016

Did you listen to your intuition and higher self this week? Things seem to move much better for you with the Yellow Calcite in your pocket? For myself, there were many moments of “stop and do what I am hearing” and not what I Think would have been most logical.

The stone for this week is Rose Quartz. It is a wonderful mineral that I fear I have a tendency to overlook. I think … Love…. blah, blah, blah…. LOL. I forget that there is so much to Rose Quartz.

Let’s start with a few of the interesting non-metaphysical facts and move out from there. Rose Quartz is a form of quartz. Some people forget that fact. It is SiO2. New news for me, feels that due to the two distinct formations of rose quartz that maybe there should be two names. There is the anhedral, which I think of as the blob formation, according to Wikipedia is “no well-formed crystal faces or cross-section shape”. This type of Rose Quartz has microscopic fibrous inclusions of a pink borosilicate mineral related to dumortierite. Dumortierite is the blue that gives blue quartz its coloring. A mention in Quartz from Wikipedia about the color states, ” trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese” cause the pink color of Rose Quartz. So, two options there. Now we come to the second formation that is much more rare in terms of quantity, the actually well formed crystal. The color is caused by irradiation induced color centers based on aluminum and phosphorous that replace Si. A little geology to help you embrace this loving stone!

The history of Rose Quartz did not seem to be there specifically, but a great deal about Quartz. This is a stone mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his writings. Quartz has long been held as a great material for carving jewelry, used to make drinking vessels, and other artistic items. There is a few possible origins of the name Quartz, Slavic or Saxon.

On to the part that most of you are here for the Metaphysical information. Rose Quartz is well known for being THE STONE of LOVE!!!! Right?!?! But there are a few angles of that I would like to explore in more detail for you this week. Rose Quartz does help bring a romantic relationship. Definitely… But it also supports and helps restore relationships that you are already in. It calms the waters and draws off negativity around the emotional heart. Having trouble with self-worth? Put this awesome stone in your pocket. Rose Quartz is also there to heal the heart of past traumas. Yes, these traumas are generally from past love relationships that have failed, but it is looking at that in a bit of a greater way, releasing those self-doubts, not allowing the words from the past to shape the person you are now IF that is not who you want to be. Can you stand strong within yourself and take chances on love with family, friends, and strangers? This is what this stone brings into your life if you are dedicated to doing the work with its help.

Divine Harmony (remember to donate to her if she is helpful!) this week has produced another fine week of information. I read a fair amount about our relationships and interactions with ourselves and others. Think about the Rose Quartz and how it can help temper us and our reactions.

Monday- we only have power over ourselves, balance between life and our need for freedom, express truth without controlling others. Let the Rose Quartz enter our lives to remove our negativity and move forward with love for ourselves and those we are in relationships with.

Tuesday- focus on how our family/home environment is working, fighting for our beliefs, inability to work well with others. We have to love ourselves to make our shared environment work. Rose Quartz is supporting us while we strive for that love within ourselves to fight for our beliefs, compromise in the group and make home really work!

Wednesday- confusing day. Yup, that is what she has for us. So, hold on to that Rose Quartz and radiate love everywhere you go as everyone will be feeling confused and you know how that makes some people irritable. Radiate LOVE!

Thursday- right use of power in relationships. Rose Quartz is really working for us this week in not overwhelming others. It is giving us personal reins when we have the instinct to take over the situation.

Friday- dive deep, being forthright and direct in our relationship needs. Okay, we know what we need in relationships… Right??? I find that most people have not listened to their core/soul needs. Rose Quartz is stepping in and asking us to be truthful with ourselves so we can express that truth to those around us.

Saturday- learning, teaching, expanding the mind, reflection and meditation today. Let Rose Quartz be there for you to be open to the new today.

Sunday- electric energy, expect the unexpected, beware of anger. I am hoping that Rose Quartz leaps into this space and gives us all the ability to roll with what the day has to offer. I am going to suggest that you place a Fire Agate in your pocket from the September entry to really make the day work!

I send you wishes for a week full of love, self respect, and self worth!